
Review: Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Genre: YA, mystery, romance, not classified? :D
Series: Never Never #1

Release date: January 7th 2015 Pages: 1159 pages
Publisher: Hoover Ink

Best friends since they could walk. 

In love since the age of fourteen.

Complete strangers since this morning.

He'll do anything to remember. 

She'll do anything to forget.

My review: ★★★★★

“What does ‘Never Never’ mean?”

The fact that the blurb and my review are extremely vague is intentional. You should definitely go into this book BLIND. That’s what I did. I didn’t know which genre this was and what the plot was. I just knew it was a what-the-hell-is-happening sort of book. And I loved it.

“How odd to be made of flesh, balanced on bone and filled with a soul you’ve never met.”

Colleen and Tarryn have a completely different writing styles. I read The Opportunist by Tarryn (and loved it) and Hopeless & Ugly Love by Colleen (and loved it too). These books are so different from each other and they still managed to combine their writing style into a mind-blowing book.

“I may not remember anything about her, but I would bet her smile was my favorite part of her.”

Colleen wrote Silas’ chapters and Tarryn Charlie’s. I knew this when I started the book, but even if I didn’t, I would have recognized it immediately. They co-wrote a book and still did their own thing. I love that! I have to admit, I preferred the Silas-chapters, but that’s probably because I loved Silas so much.

“All I know is if you’re going to cheat on Silas Nash, it better be with Ryan Gosling.”

This book grips you immediately on the very first page and leaves you breathless and so confused when it abruptly ends. I’ve never wanted a sequel THAT much. I have SO many questions!! This book is suspenseful, twisted, addictive, brilliant, mind-blowing and I loved every single part of it!

“I’m tired of liking him. I only have a day and a half worth of memories, but they’re all filled with me not hating Silas. And now he’s mad it his personal mission to make me love him again. It’s annoying that I like it.”

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